Dear Curator
I hope this webpage finds you well!
I’m glad you happened to stop by here as I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while, but so many things have come in between and we don’t really know each other all that well yet. My hope is that it will change soon, and that you and I shall become acquaintances of sorts, perhaps even friends, and that next time you are curating an exhibition that deals with [insert keywords here] you might keep my work in mind.
Being a curator isn’t always easy, and I have full appreciation for the difficult decisions you have in front of you as you embark on this formative journey. It starts with a loose concept, an idea if you will, and ends with a list of artists, a proof-read press release ready for e-flux and a compelling poster image. To help you on your journey I’ve devised a curatorial tool, it works like this; select the keywords that are most appropriate for your upcoming exhibition, and you’ll get a selection of suggested works that you might have overlooked in your research phase. Once you find something you like, click add to email and fill in your gallery/institution, name and email to the right and then press send.
Good luck and godspeed!
Jonas Lund