Press Text
Porta Portese is a curatorial project which reflects on the device of the market as a place of transmission and transit of objects and images, crossroad of different geographical and temporal coordinates. The suggestion of an ephemeral cultural space, cyclically performed by the individuals who traverse it, emphasizes the ritual, irrational and magical dimension that has determined the magnetism of this social practice through time. Starting from a close investigation on the city of Rome, the exhibition expands its scope questioning the potential evolutions of the accelerated dimension of the global market, unveiling the cultural, social and anthropological dynamics connected to the very idea of the marketplace, place of exchange, sharing and discovery.
The metaphorical suggestion of the market of Porta Portese, a pivotal element of the Roman visual culture, is evoked in a meta-reflection on its display, transformed into an installation platform to explore the issues located at the border between contemporary artistic practices and the investigation of intangible heritage. Among these: the concept of collective archive, the research on media archaeology, the processes of transmission and diffusion of images and the relationship with the architecture of the public space. The exhibition is accompanied by a publication edited by DITO Publishing.